

Most Recent

Why politics kills comedy (The Critic)

Will the Left’s newfound faux patriotism last? (The Hub)

Trump's tariff whiplash (Washington Post)

The Rocksteady Crew (Café Américain)

You need to be angrier, Canada (The Hub)

Essays and Reviews


Does Canada Exist? (Wisdom of Crowds)

Another side of Bob Dylan, who is a circle (Washington Examiner)


The ‘80s in Canada were no golden age. But politics back then had one thing sorely missing today (Toronto Star)

The Magic of Richard And Linda Thompson (Café Américain)

The Real Problem with X (Fusion)

How Democrats became the party of education credential hierarchy (Washington Examiner)

Neither Canadian Nor U.S. Media Understand America (National Post)

Donald Trump is again victorious—but the future of ‘Trumpism’ is uncertain (The Hub)

How horror short-circuits fiction writing (Washington Examiner)

Already Famous (Café Américain)

In CUPE, revolutionary Marxist LARPing comes before practical workers' concerns (National Post)

Pundit Don't Preach (Wisdom of Crowds)

Listening to Joni Mitchell While Male (Café Américain)

James C. Scott Trampled Across Borders to Explain the World (Foreign Policy)

As President Biden leaves the race, will the Democratic Party hodgepodge hold? (The Hub)

Chinatown’s Tragic Allure (Café Américain)

Against Protest Songs (Washington Examiner)

Canadian citizenship is immensely valuable. Our political elites should act like it (The Hub)

Show Biz Kids: Steely Dan’s Lasting Legacy (Café Américain)

Hypocrisy Is Not a Real Problem in World Politics (War On The Rocks)

Note to the EU—the Right winning elections isn’t a threat to democracy. It is democracy in action (The Hub)

Why Did America Stumble Into a Trap in Iraq? (Foreign Policy)

We argue about campus free speech because we forget what the university is for (Washington Examiner)

Robert Wyatt’s Masterpiece: 50 Years of “Rock Bottom” (Café Américain)

The Grateful Dead's Afterlife (Café Américain)

When it comes to determining hate speech, we can’t just ‘trust the experts’ (The Hub)

The battles over beginnings (Aeon)

Canada’s flippant rejection of our generous natural resource inheritance (Macdonald-Laurier Institute)

Against Polyamory (Quillette)

The Greatest Book on Nationalism Keeps Being Misread (Foreign Policy)


Between beast & god (New Criterion)

Machiavelli's World (City Journal)

Elon Musk's Crank Playground (Compact)

Antisemitism and the discourse of privilege (The Critic)

Orwell on Canada's moment in the global spotlight (The Globe and Mail)

No End of Men (Washington Examiner)

Why Ancient Israel Was Not a Modern Nation (Wisdom of Crowds)

A Representative Problem (The American Conservative)

Human Resources (The New Atlantis)

Against the Hysterical Consensus (The Critic)


Conserving What, Exactly? (City Journal)

Bob Dylan's latest trick (Washington Examiner)

Stop Talking About American 'Fascism' (UnHerd)

Bromides of the Expert Class (The Critic)

The Supergenius at the End of the World (The New Atlantis)

Take Realist Arguments Over Russia in Good Faith (Foreign Policy)

Canada's International Decline Runs Deeper Than Foreign Policy Decisions (Institute for Peace & Diplomacy)

Machiavelli’s Lessons for America’s Jan. 6th Tumult (Foreign Policy)


American Nationalism: Past, Present, and Future (City Journal)

Why America Needs de Gaulle (Law & Liberty)

Threat Inflation Comes Home (Arc Digital)

Convicting Trump, But Not Punishing His Supporters is Key to Restoring Democracy w/Daniel Schillinger (Washington Post)


Putting Politics Back Into Political Theory (Law & Liberty)

The Clash with China is Coming (The Bulwark)

Three Colors and the Fracturing of Europe (The American Interest)

Liberalism Needs the Nation (Law & Liberty)

2019 and earlier

Written by the losers (New Criterion)

Hearing Aids are Going Digital as the World Returns to Analog (Slate)

What Does a Truly Rational Statesman Look Like? (Law & Liberty)

Kings, Subjects, and the Divine: Politics in the Hebrew Bible (Law & Liberty)

Who are The People? (The American Interest)

Revolutions in the Street (Wall Street Journal)

Review of Francis Fukuyama, Political Order and Political Decay (Wall Street Journal)

Review of Joseph Markulin, Machiavelli (Wall Street Journal)

Academic Articles

What Teaching Was Thucydides Trying to Convey (Baku Dialogues)

Populism and Democratic Conflict: An Aristotelian View (The Review of Politics)

Review of Gabriele Pedullà's Machiavelli in Tumult (The Review of Politics)

With Steel or Poison: Machiavelli on Conspiracy w/Daniel Schillinger (Interpretation)

Drawing Out the Leviathan: Kenneth Waltz, Hobbes, and the Neorealist Theory of the State (International Studies Review)

Nietzsche on Thucydidean Realism (The Review of Politics)

Review of Richard Ned Lebow's Cultural Theory of International Relations (Cambridge Review of International Affairs)